Culture Wars
Mike James Mike James

Culture Wars

In early September, the Supreme Court allowed a Texas statute to remain in effect before lower courts battle to see if it is constitutional. The statute prohibits most abortions in Texas after six weeks of pregnancy. The Court voted 5-to-4 to allow the statute for now.

The statute also empowers private citizens, not state officials, to enforce the ban on abortions after six weeks. This innovation helped the statute stay viable and not be struck down. Other states have been unsuccessful in doing what Texas has done because they lacked this innovation.

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Generational Trauma
Mike James Mike James

Generational Trauma

We are all aware of the dangers of traumatic events. These events—like physical, sexual, or psychological abuse—can impact victims for many years. Research into this field is also addressing how certain trauma can be passed on generationally.

Generational trauma entails maladaptive behaviors and patterns passed down from parents to children. Let me give you a couple of examples. One would be when a parent has experienced childhood abuse of some sort. Once they have their own children they begin abusing them in the same way they were abused. Children often mirror or replicate what they learned from their parents in so many ways.

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The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

On April 19, 1995, a seemingly crazy thing happened in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. A very confident man robbed two different banks without using a disguise. He was so sure of his invisibility that he looked directly at the security cameras. His picture circulated on local television, and he was quickly arrested. McArthur Wheeler believed that using lemon juice would keep his face unseen to security cameras. He reasoned that since lemon juice is used to write invisible ink messages on paper, it would also hide his face. He was thoroughly shocked that he was caught and was observed saying, “But I wore the juice!” McArthur was very wrong in that belief. Local news reported that he even tested his theory earlier with a Polaroid camera. It appears that he was not skilled in the use of it either.

“Wise people are careful and avoid trouble; fools are too confident and careless” (Proverb 14:16, ERV). The story of this strange incident of foolish confidence led researchers David Dunning and Justin Kruger to study this phenomenon.

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Keep It Simple!
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Keep It Simple!

Where do you get your financial advice? Do you get it from CNBC investment channel, Bloomberg, USA Today, Newsweek, Kiplinger magazine, etc. What if I told you the Bible contains financial wisdom that could benefit all of us in our lives today? A few of the financial statistics regarding the finances of your average westerner which resides in one of the wealthiest nations to ever grace the face of the earth are stark. An income of $34,000 annually puts you in the top 4 percent of household incomes in the world, and the average household income in the U.S. is $67,000 annually. According to an article by CBS News, less than 40 percent of Americans could afford a $1,000 bill without relying on a credit card, also known as very high interest loan; according to 50 percent of Americans have no savings at all, including money for retirement; according to 63 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and any interruption in paycheck frequency would lead to financial disaster.

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The Dangers of Headline Theology
Jeff Reed Jeff Reed

The Dangers of Headline Theology

“Headline theology” can be defined as searching out sensational headlines in the news upon which to base one’s biblical theology. Many supposed modern-day prophets find joy in connecting world events to their prophetic scenarios even though they continually are proven wrong and continue to move the goalposts of their predictions.

We in the Church of God International may occasionally look at world events and examine them through the lens of God’s law or prophecy. Still, we carefully avoid making dogmatic statements and identify our observations as speculation. Those who practice “headline theology” go much further. They may predict specific days or years as an absolute fulfillment of prophesied events. Or they may suggest that the end is only a few years away.

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Car Accident Lessons
Mike James Mike James

Car Accident Lessons

As I exited my local grocery store recently I noticed a large truck near my vehicle. As I got closer there were some store employees milling about the vehicles. After putting my groceries in my trunk I realized the driver of the truck had recently imbedded his Ford Silverado into the right front grill of my Toyota Corolla. I had been hit and my car got the raw end of the exchange.

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Family Reunion
Mike James Mike James

Family Reunion

In July I attended a family reunion in Nashville, Tennessee. My cousin’s home was picked because of the centrality of his location to relatives in the east and west. He also has done very well for himself and he has a very large backyard with a huge pool. This reunion was for family members on my father’s side of the family. The last time I saw so many members of my family at an event was a funeral. It was good to see everyone on a more joyous occasion.

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Who are the SAINTS?
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Who are the SAINTS?

Is the Pope the only authority on earth that has the power to carry out canonization, in other words appoint someone as a “saint”? First of all, what is a saint? A saint is someone who has been set apart for God (1 Peter 2:9). Is being a saint something for those who are elite?! Is it an elite status or the top tier for Christians to seek? What if I told you all Christians (Christ followers) are saints!? (1 Corinthians 1:2). It is not something that puts you at another tier above your fellow Christians, which could possibly promote jealousy and envy within the Christian church.

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House Hunting
Mike James Mike James

House Hunting

You might wonder how a blog on house hunting can get spiritual. Well, please give me some time to explain.

It all began on a Saturday night in June as I decided we should drive all night to get a good head start on our cross-country drive. The destination was California to search for a home. We made it in about 53 hours with one hotel stop somewhere in Oklahoma. We were driving from Maryland. Upon our arrival in California we set out on three consecutive days of house hunting for about eight hours per day. By the end of that first weekend on the trip we put bids in on two houses.

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UFOs Are Real!
Mike James Mike James

UFOs Are Real!

Last summer, the Defense Department issued a news release with the following headline: "Establishment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF)." The mission of the UAPTF is "to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security," according to the Pentagon.

A few months after this, as part of President Trump's spending and pandemic relief package, the Senate Intelligence Committee included a provision calling for the director of national intelligence to help produce an unclassified report on everything government agencies know about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), including many unusual sightings reported by military pilots. The report came out in late June 2021.

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Independence for Scotland?
Mike James Mike James

Independence for Scotland?

In early May, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon promised to push ahead with another Scotland independence referendum after her party gained a strong result in Scottish Parliament elections. Sturgeon commented that an independence referendum was the "will of the country" when her Scottish National Party (SNP) and pro-independence allies took a majority of the 129 seats in an early May election.

The SNP wants another try at an independence vote, which it lost in 2014 by 45 to 55 percent. The SNP feels views have changed since the 2016 vote to break with the European Union (E.U.) (Brexit), which 62 percent of Scottish voters opposed. Since 2014, Scotland has voted overwhelmingly against Brexit, 62 percent to 38 percent.

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Have We Gone Astray?
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

Have We Gone Astray?

What has today’s Christianity become? Many of today’s most popular ministers (pastors) are nothing more than motivational speakers. They do not teach about the importance of keeping the Ten Commandments or any of God’s true Word. Many of these ministers even condone some of the sins God classifies as an abomination by saying that is the old Christianity, and we are a part of the “newly enlightened” Christianity, or of “woke” Christianity. They preach a health and welfare kind of Christianity; just believe in God is all you need to do…and fill our collection plate with money. Often, the churches led by such ministers are fat with money while the people are starving both physically and spiritually when it comes to the true Word of God (see “Are mega churches just businesses masquerading as worship” by Carmen MacBeth,

What does the Bible have to say about this “newly woke” Christianity?

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Jerusalem and Armies
Mike James Mike James

Jerusalem and Armies

Luke 21:20 says this: “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh (KJV).” I have run into a couple “church people” over the past few weeks who have been concerned by the recent fighting in and around Jerusalem. They are concerned if this could be significant in regard to biblical prophecy. My opinion at the moment is, no.

Over the past few weeks 232 Palestinians and 12 Israelis died due to rocket and precision bombing. A cease-fire was reached on May 20 between Israel and Hamas militants after 11 days of violence. But let’s not forget about the violence between Palestinians and Israelis in 2014. During that conflict, which lasted weeks, thousands died. Prior to that, there were many more days of deadly violence between these two peoples.

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Mike James Mike James


As I prepared to set off for Worcester, Massachusetts during the week prior to Pentecost weekend (May 15-16, 2021) I was alarmed to find most of the gas stations in my community were out of gas. I was wondering how far up the east coast this condition would go. Lucky for me, when I picked up my rental car it had a full tank of gas, and once I got north of the outer Maryland suburbs of Washington D.C. the gas stations were operating normally.

But what I want to discuss is what caused the gas stations around me and in many states south of me to run dry of gasoline during the week of May 9-16, 2021.

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United States Birthrate Dips
Mike James Mike James

United States Birthrate Dips

The United States (U.S.) birthrate fell 4 percent last year, making it the most significant annual decrease in many decades. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show the U.S. birthrate dropping for the sixth consecutive year. The biggest drop happened in the last part of last year, showing some influence by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Before the pandemic, U.S. birth rates were on the decline due to people having fewer children, having children later, or choosing not to have kids.

Only about 3.6 million babies were born in the U.S. in 2020. In 2019, there were 3.75 million babies born in this country. This is the lowest number of births in this country since 1979. This is the biggest one-year drop in births, in percentage terms, since 1965, according to Philip N. Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland.

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Mike James Mike James


What is mercy? One definition is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone within one's power to punish or harm. This obviously makes mercy a characteristic of God.

In Joel 2:1-3, we read the following: "Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity."

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United States Religious Membership Falls Below 50%
Mike James Mike James

United States Religious Membership Falls Below 50%

The number of Americans who consider themselves members of a church, mosque or synagogue has dropped to 47 percent, according to a recent Gallup poll. In 1937 when Gallup first began asking Americans if they were part of a church, mosque, or synagogue—membership was at 73 percent.

In a recent blog from November ( we provided other survey data on the lack of religious commitment in the United States (US). The Gallup poll is just another new indicator of this. Some analysts say this is going to have major implications for politics, business, and how Americans group themselves in the future.

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Foreign Investment
Mike James Mike James

Foreign Investment

According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) China has surpassed the United States (US) as the world's top destination for new Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). New investments into the US from foreign companies fell by almost half in 2020. The US was down to $134 billion last year. Of course, some of this is due to the Covid-19 situation, but FDI in the US has been declining since a peak of $472 billion was reached in 2016. Since then, US FDI is declining.

Chinese companies jumped 4 percent in FDI last year, surpassing the US as number one in the world in that category. In 2016 China had only $134 billion in FDI, but last year led the world with a total of $163 billion. In 2019, the US was at $251 billion while China received $140 billion.

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The Magnitude of It All
Jeremy A. Brown Jeremy A. Brown

The Magnitude of It All

According to the article, "Religion: why faith is becoming more and more popular" by Harriet Sherwood, there are more than 2.382 billion professing Christians worldwide, or about 31.1 percent of the world's population. There are more than 30,000 Christian organizations/denominations around the world. Christianity is the largest religion in the world. What if I told you that, despite these astronomical numbers, only a minute number of Christians observe the same Sabbath day as Jesus Christ, as well as the same holy days Jesus commanded us to observe (John 14:21). Just think about how big of a deal this knowledge is: Out of 7.8 billion people around the world and 2.382 billion professing Christians, you are one of the few observing God's commanded holy days. Are you excited yet?!

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Mike James Mike James


With winter finally over, we enter into our Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread season. During this season, we are reminded to examine (1 Corinthians 11:28-29) ourselves and figure out what elements of our character need to be changed and improved. But let's be honest with ourselves. Are you still trying to work through issues you remind yourself of during each Passover season?

Change is a difficult process. Most change takes time, and there are a variety of reasons for that. Let me give you one big reason why change is hard. Our brain's area that handles routines (the basal ganglia) requires little energy to operate effectively. A different part of the brain is used to process new information or new options (the prefrontal cortex). In a change situation, the prefrontal cortex is used much more, and it is very energy-intensive. Continual demands on its resources are uncomfortable.

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